Didier Ludot and Petit Bateau

Tonight to kick off Fashion Week Paris for the Spring 2012 collections, I headed over to the Didier Ludot “Petite Robe Noire” boutique for the launch of the collaboration between Didier Ludot and Petit Bateau. Ludot created a small collection of mom and daughter dresses for those who want to be chic but like things simple and classic.

They look great paired with a boléro created for the collection in a very “Petit Bateau” style; or just on their own.
A little white dress found it’s way into the collection as well as a few good girl undergarments.

A “sage” collection, these are not the little black dresses to seduce your colleague at the office party or to knock the socks off your chéri when you meet him for dinner after work, but they are figure flattering and full of subdued French charm!
P1100988The presentation took place at his boutique in the Palais Royal gallery shops. Parisians who mix and mingle with the fashion crowd sipped champagne and nibbled on macarons on the covered sidewalk outside of the boutique. I was rathered impressed by the size of the crowd, which has something to say for the PR efforts of their agency. Bravo for the turnout and thank you for the lovely evening after work! What a nice way to start fashion week, and end a Monday!

Didier Ludot : Fashion Nostalgia

Didier Ludot has 3 not 2 boutiques at the prestigious Montpensier gallery of boutiques at Palais Royal in Paris’ 1st arrondissement. The vintage couture shop sits next to his vintage accessories shop. And if the windows are even the smallest indication of the pleasures you’ll find on the inside, then ladeis (and gentlemen) I do declare, you must darer to step inside. One feels almost as if you were in a museum with so many vintage treasures and retro pieces. Didier Ludot, the king of the “find”!
Didier Ludot
24 Galerie Montpensier
75001 Paris (France)
Tél. : 01 42 96 06 56
Mail : didier.ludot@wanadoo.fr

But, do not simply take him for someone who knows how to recycle the past. His 3rd boutique, called Petite robe Noire (Little Black Dress), just across the garden, attests to his capacity to also stay current. Of course, everything current these days seems to find inspiration in decades past, but nonetheless, Petite Robe Noire boasts his own line of scrumptios cocktail dresses and dainty womens’ wear that both Betty Draper and Carrie Bradshaw would wear in an instant.

La Petite Robe Noire : 125, galerie de Valois 75001 Paris.